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21 Articles written

भारत में टोल कलेक्शन में क्रांति लाएगा जीएनएसएस (GNSS)

भारत में टोल कलेक्शन में क्रांति लाएगी जीएनएसएस (GNSS) आधारित टोल टैक्स प्रणाली। भारत जीएनएसएस आधारित इलेक्ट्रॉनिक टोल कलेक्शन (ईटीसी) प्रणाली की शुरुआत के...

Unveiling Tranquility: Lost and Found QR Codes by Rakshak Code

In a world where our keys have a knack for hiding in the most peculiar places and our wallets seem to pull a disappearing...

Latest List of Best 6 Airbag Cars in India

When it comes to automobiles, consumers prioritize safety above everything else. Similar to the safety cushions in an automobile, airbags expand to protect you...

“TID Not Found” Glitch in FASTag Effective Solutions Unveiled

Introduction: FASTag has significantly streamlined the process of toll payments, offering a convenient and efficient way for vehicles to pass through toll plazas without...
Road Safety Rules and Regulations
Dwi Team

Cautions Teenagers should take while learning to drive

Figuring out how to drive is an achievement in a youngster's life. So the Cautions teenagers should take while learning to drive. Driving can...
Dwi Team
poor visibilty

Problems face by night drivers

There are so many problems face by night drivers. While we do only one quarter of our driving at night, 50% of traffic deaths...
Dwi Team
car problems

Common Car problems and their easy solutions

A machine isn't so much forever and with long stretches of being dependable in different circumstances, seeing some sort of breakdowns is implied. The...
Dwi Team
Emergency Situations

Help in an Emergency Situations

How do you comfort someone who’s been in an emergency situations? We can all envision how hard it should be to manage a crisis....
Dwi Team
smart car buyer

Smart Car Buyer

A Smart Car Buyer needs to follow these characteristics. Getting a decent arrangement on another vehicle isn't about karma. Effective vehicle customers will more...
Dwi Team

Regional Transport Office (RTO)

The Regional Transport Office (RTO) is a government organisation establish to oversee all transport-related operations in India. Therefore, the primary objective of the department...